We’re exploring the possibility of human beings sensing ultra-fine nanotechnologies, in particular cross-sensing them as synaesthetic objects
Sensing Nanos combines art, science and technology. We’re exploring the possibility of human beings sensing ultra-fine nanotechnologies, in particular cross-sensing them as synaesthetic objects that have the potential to react with cells and biomolecules. They become lodged in the brain and the central nervous system and may thereby create novel inter-sensory correspondences.
Our investigations resulted in a series of art experiments exploring synaesthesia, pareidolia and feeling emotions in ambiguous things. We focused our attention on various personal care products used by many people. We found shaving cream with titanium nanotechnology and placed it on two side-by-side potato slices. We chose potatoes because mammalian neurons and the potato share a systemic molecular convergence. I made 3 holes in the foam. As the foam bloomed and then collapsed over time I saw faces expressing emotions.. The expressions corresponded with musical notes which I then scripted for the resulting time-lapse video. Although titanium nanoparticles in part are defined by their intrinsic properties – their extrinsic properties in turn are determined by relationships for example where they are and who they’re with. I overlaid the video with text excerpts from Plato’s writings on Socrates Dialogues on Friendship and the influence of friends in shaping each other’s evaluative outlook.