I remember that the first times I expressed my sounds to colour synaesthesia in a painting, it was exciting: I felt that I was liberating myself and doing a kind of therapy.
When doing my synaesthetic art, I first choose a song that I like. Since I see a colour per instrument, I usually choose a song that has several instruments, mostly rock or pop. I must choose the song well because if it contains many instruments, the painting will be very diverse in colours, and if I choose a song with few instruments it will be sparse in colour. I take time to choose the song and I think about it in colours in my mind, I also choose that the colours to look good together. Then I write down the colours and start by thinking about the abstract shapes that I am going to paint, I use a lot of symmetry but also let my creativity flow. I am often dissatisfied with the finished painting and will do it again. I remember that the first times I expressed my sounds to colour synaesthesia in a painting, it was exciting: I felt that I was liberating myself and doing a kind of therapy.